Friday 3 June 2011

Fashion Design Practise

The project was based on choosing and predicting a trend for the upcoming years and seasons, whilst also relating the chosen trend to a social issue. The shirt and trouser was to be manufactured as though you were designing and manufacturing for a brand or company...also of own choice.
I chose to base my work upon the work of Timo Weiland, the trend was based upon the 'California Dream'. This trend was linked to such social issues as Student Tuition Fees increasing and also the major rise in popularity of such American television series as 90210 and Glee.

This project had such a crazy and hectic deadline turnaround for the design process and manufacturing of a Shirt and a pair of Trousers.
But in all honesty...I had surprised myself by actually enjoying doing this project.
It was so nice to chill at home and just relax with getting on with the work needed to be done. Just me and my sewing machine and the music blasting through the speakers!
Was actually really proud of myself for being ahead of time for once! The shirt and trouser came out to be a success a product of work and achievement to be proud of!
I absolutely loved producing the boards! Photoshop is my best buddy!

Visual Studies

The Initial work undertaken was to explore the three themes we were set to inspire us
Monosyllabic Form

I then decided to focus upon Monosyllabic Form as it was seen through the initial work that my minimalistic explorations were complimentary to my style of work.
The Development work was an exploration of different techniques and shades to work with.

The Final work was a limit of 5 illustrations that were worked upon on Adobe Photoshop. To enhance and accentuate our illustrations even further.

I loved doing the final illustrations as I'm in L O V E with Photoshop and learned a few new techniques that in turn actually enhanced the aesthetics of my work.

Fashion Materials and Form

I had an amazing time doing the photography for this particular module. Felt more like play and not work...the location was great fun and we ended up getting free sweets in return for some advertising photography!

Fashion Design Portfolio